a positive reception

I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback and some constructive criticism of Nothing Of Consequence after its release this week. It felt really good to put it out there and feel like the project, though fairly short for me, was finally complete. It’s good stuff.

Now for the recap. My goal was to get 100 people to download it. The zip file that contained all of the songs was downloaded about 150 times in the first two days. Some folks may have elected to download the tracks individually (there’s no accounting for taste) and until I see those stats I won’t have a good idea of how many times the entire album was taken. No matter how you slice it, I made my goal.

What’s not reflected there is how many people listened to it. I’d argue that a percentage large enough to fill a room did. Best of all, the people that I wanted to listen did. From that perspective, it’s a complete success.


Some things that amused me were those folks asking how much it would cost when it was advertised as being free. And that’s free as in “give it to your friends and everyone you know” free. Money is such a part of art now that it adds a twinge of bitterness to the process. I guess it’s easy to assume that music on the Internet is either going to cost you $9.99 an album or is illegal. So I can forgive that and let it slide.

I have turned into a bit of a Facebook apologist though. The vast majority of my referrals were via that site and it’s in no small part due to my friends linking to my stuff there. People came out of the woodwork to pass on the good word and for that I am very appreciative. This whole social networking media stuff really works. I’m more than a little surprised. But the quizzes and games still suck. I honestly don’t care what kind of tree I’d be. Morons.

I deem the experiment a success and when my next collection (now under construction) is complete I’ll do the same thing. I would like to make the things I do available to podcasters for their free use and push things from that direction, but that’s something for another day. Unless you have a podcast and want to use my stuff. Just drop me a line and we’ll work it out.

My new plan is to do two things at once. First, construct a new collection of songs for release in (hopefully) 6 months. Second, get back to releasing sketches and pieces of sound art weekly. I like having something out there every week. So you can expect more of that starting next week. The only thing more exciting than finishing a project is starting the next.

Thanks to everyone who listened. And double thanks to those who listened and passed it on.

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