Category Archives: original music

Sketch the Third

A bit late this round, but I was done with it more than on time. Life gets in the way of the blog from time to time. I like where these sketches are going, but it’s going to take time to get them fleshed out. We shall see.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Quartet 03 – 23-Jan-2012@″ dload=”y”]

Creative Commons License
Quartet 03 – 23-Jan-2012 by J.C. Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sketch the Second

So here is this week’s fare. Things are picking up and these sketches are unfolding nicely. I don’t want to jinx it, but I might have a year’s worth of material before the end of March. That would be nice. Very nice.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Quartet 02 – 15-Jan-2012@″ dload=”y”]

Creative Commons License
Quartet 02 – 15-Jan-2012 by J.C. Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sketch The First

Way, way back in the olden times of the ’90s, I was in school and twice a week I met with my classmates in our composition seminar. We showed whatever we had done in the past few days. There was no real judgement. We explained what we were trying to do and then, when we were in a good place for it, asked for feedback. It was a rough time when things weren’t coming along, but when I was deep into sweating out a piece, there was nothing better. So I’m going back to my roots.

Each week I am going to post whatever it was I did that week whether or not it’s “done” or “good” or even “listenable.”

This week, I was working with several guitar tracks to create a texture unlike the project I just finished up with cloxco. I don’t know where this falls, but I think that it is the opening to a larger piece. More on that as it goes along.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Quartet 01 – 08-Jan-2012@″ dload=”y”]

Creative Commons License
Quartet 01 – 08-Jan-2012 by J.C. Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

The Bugcast

The Bugcast podcast just ran an episode with a new cloxco tune. You can check out the podcast in question here:

The tune is Fade:

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Fade@″ dload=”y”]

Album Notes

Most of the time, I don’t feel like much of a musician. Making music is where a lot of my money goes, but none of it comes from there. I don’t even teach anymore. That gives me a sense that I’m not serious. Or not serious enough. It picks at my self confidence and a self worth. Maybe that is silly outside of my head, but in there it is serious business.  
And then I get together with Jason and we make some music. I don’t claim to speak for him, but I believe that we’re in similar places. We’re too young to quit and too old to have anything to prove. There is no pretense or posturing. We joke around, laugh a lot, and with an uncanny timing, start playing at exactly the same time. Not once in a while, but every time. It’s disturbing, that rhythm. 
We don’t get together often. It’s a three hour drive between us and I’ve got some screaming kids to wrangle, but when we do, cool stuff happens. I don’t pretend to understand it and it would be pretentious as all get out to try and explain it, but it’s fun.  
The collection we released yesterday is a full run of songs that I’m really proud of. I don’t cringe when they pop up on the iPod. I actually turn it up or repeat a track or two. All of the lyrics that I wrote sound less hack-ish and more h when Jason ties them voice. The guitar sounds like it has more depth. It all comes together and works. 
I’m so happy with the way this turned out. It’s a real surprise. Who would have though that three days of in-person real time and a year’s worth of emailed mp3s could get us here? Not me! 
Have a listen and let me know what you think. I’m curious. And thanks!

Here’s a sample from our bandcamp site.