Category Archives: accountability

Sketch the Third

A bit late this round, but I was done with it more than on time. Life gets in the way of the blog from time to time. I like where these sketches are going, but it’s going to take time to get them fleshed out. We shall see.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Quartet 03 – 23-Jan-2012@″ dload=”y”]

Creative Commons License
Quartet 03 – 23-Jan-2012 by J.C. Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sketch the Second

So here is this week’s fare. Things are picking up and these sketches are unfolding nicely. I don’t want to jinx it, but I might have a year’s worth of material before the end of March. That would be nice. Very nice.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Quartet 02 – 15-Jan-2012@″ dload=”y”]

Creative Commons License
Quartet 02 – 15-Jan-2012 by J.C. Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sketch The First

Way, way back in the olden times of the ’90s, I was in school and twice a week I met with my classmates in our composition seminar. We showed whatever we had done in the past few days. There was no real judgement. We explained what we were trying to do and then, when we were in a good place for it, asked for feedback. It was a rough time when things weren’t coming along, but when I was deep into sweating out a piece, there was nothing better. So I’m going back to my roots.

Each week I am going to post whatever it was I did that week whether or not it’s “done” or “good” or even “listenable.”

This week, I was working with several guitar tracks to create a texture unlike the project I just finished up with cloxco. I don’t know where this falls, but I think that it is the opening to a larger piece. More on that as it goes along.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Quartet 01 – 08-Jan-2012@″ dload=”y”]

Creative Commons License
Quartet 01 – 08-Jan-2012 by J.C. Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

The Shop Is Ready

I cleaned out my workshop, such as it is, this past weekend. The temperatures looked like they were going to drop into the low 90s and stay there, but that hasn’t been the case. Unfortunately, today was over 100. Again. C’est la vie! In any case, the workshop is cleaned up and ready for business. I even got the OM project out of my studio closet to assess where I left it when the heat of the daystar became too great to overcome. It looks like I need to finish up the frets, do the binding for the top, and then make with the shellac. Lots and lots of shellac. I learned a lot from my last instrument and hopefully the finish on this one will be better.

In a fit of optimism, all of the bits and pieces for my very first electric guitar were ordered this weekend as well. I’m thinking of something with a Les Paul body style but no carved top. I want to keep it simple. The electronics will be a fun project as I’m winding my own pickups. I’ve done stuff like that in the past but always with more of an experimental bent. This time, I’m starting with a particular sound in mind and I’m going to see if I can execute. It’s all going to be fun and most importantly, it will reinstitute the weekend father/son garage work.

As a total aside, we repaired a birdhouse and a bird feeder this weekend while we were getting the shop cleaned up. The boy made good use of some sandpaper and deck screws. He’s becoming quiet handy and before he gets to school I’m sure he’ll be a fine assistant!

Lots of stuff is happening around one of my album projects and there’s another one brewing. By the end of the year I should have at least one project completed and another in full swing. Plus the weird and wild stuff I do on my lunch hour that harkens back to my days in more traditional computer music. “Traditional Computer Music.” Is that even real? In any case, I have a rather large piece in the making.

Lots going on and nothing to show for it but this blog that makes references to all of the stuff that’s coming and never shows a damned thing. I guess that’s what 2011 is. It’s the year of doing a lot and showing a little.

Fire and Project Round Up

So a large part of Texas is on fire. That’s a bad thing. A very bad thing. The state is severely behind in water. I heard a stat along the lines of under 5 inches of rain since February. I can believe it. Everything smells dry and dead. The entire landscape is brown. And the smell of smoke blowing in from central Texas is unnerving. It’s so bad that our family evacuation plan involves going to New Orleans. Think about that for a second. Running to New Orleans to escape a natural disaster.

Despite the destruction and mayhem, a project that is very important to me is moving forward at a pretty good clip. I don’t want to say too much about it to the six of you who read this blog with any regularity, but it’s going to be good. So good.

The important thing to note right now is that my manifesto has hit a bit of a snag. One of the major points I’m trying to make isn’t resonating like it once did. That’s probably a good sign that I’m finally giving the right amount of attention to my process and The Work. I wish I’d done this exercise twenty years ago, but everything is handled in its time. They’ll be more thinking out loud around here as that changes.

And while I’m at it, the weather has cooled off! It hasn’t been in the triple digits for almost a week! That means that I can get that OM guitar finished up and maybe start that solid body electric that I’ve been itching to build. I’m almost ready to order the bits and pieces. This weekend will involve cleaning up the garage and getting what passes for my shop ready for business! Pics to follow!