hurricane ike wrecked my mojo for a bit. 10 days without power really doesn’t do much for a laptop based studio. or any studio for that matter. i did manage to do some writing so that the latest project will have at least two hurricane blues tunes. that seem appropriate, right?
in any case, i managed to get some rough mixing done on my latest track “moments before.” it’s a very rough mix with me on dobro, guitar and bass. i really like this tune. i can listen to it on a loop for a long time before i get tired of it. like my other mixes, this is temporary and i’m sure that there will be a pile of tweaks. but we’ll just run with this for now.
what does the future hold? a lot of time in the studio recording. i have two more tracks to rework and then the two hurricane sketches to get down. there is no way i will ever make my self-imposed, completely arbitrary deadline of october 3rd that i set way back in june or something silly like that. though it was nothing that i was holding myself to i can’t say that i’m not a touch disapointed. right now i want to see the whole thing wrapped up before the end of the year, but music is funny. it’s done when it’s done and not one minute before. i’m happy to be along for the ride.
i’m working on some thought pieces about various aspects of composing in the early 21st century. there are some simple critiques of tools and a lot of what i’m thinking about is how the tools we use shape the music that we create. it only makes sense that if you have a hammer and chisel you’ll make one kind of art and if you have a paintbrush you’ll make another. my argument is more along the line of a clarinet vs. a marimba but you get my drift. you can watch this space for musings along those lines.
also of note is the fact that i am in a blog update challenge with my buddy kevlar to have an update by thursday of every week. i’m hoping that it’s yet another way of keeping myself honest and on track. and speaking of tracks…
here is my latest mix from “my reasons”: moments before
moments before by j.c. wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
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