Category Archives: cloxco

The Bugcast

The Bugcast podcast just ran an episode with a new cloxco tune. You can check out the podcast in question here:

The tune is Fade:

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Fade@″ dload=”y”]

Album Notes

Most of the time, I don’t feel like much of a musician. Making music is where a lot of my money goes, but none of it comes from there. I don’t even teach anymore. That gives me a sense that I’m not serious. Or not serious enough. It picks at my self confidence and a self worth. Maybe that is silly outside of my head, but in there it is serious business.  
And then I get together with Jason and we make some music. I don’t claim to speak for him, but I believe that we’re in similar places. We’re too young to quit and too old to have anything to prove. There is no pretense or posturing. We joke around, laugh a lot, and with an uncanny timing, start playing at exactly the same time. Not once in a while, but every time. It’s disturbing, that rhythm. 
We don’t get together often. It’s a three hour drive between us and I’ve got some screaming kids to wrangle, but when we do, cool stuff happens. I don’t pretend to understand it and it would be pretentious as all get out to try and explain it, but it’s fun.  
The collection we released yesterday is a full run of songs that I’m really proud of. I don’t cringe when they pop up on the iPod. I actually turn it up or repeat a track or two. All of the lyrics that I wrote sound less hack-ish and more h when Jason ties them voice. The guitar sounds like it has more depth. It all comes together and works. 
I’m so happy with the way this turned out. It’s a real surprise. Who would have though that three days of in-person real time and a year’s worth of emailed mp3s could get us here? Not me! 
Have a listen and let me know what you think. I’m curious. And thanks!

Here’s a sample from our bandcamp site.